Simply Spooktacular :: Stylish notes on family-friendly Halloween ideas

via Fun Like Me

I've never been one for the gore of Halloween. Sure, I went to all the obligatory movies in my youth where nightmares come alive, boys in hockey masks came back to haunt year after year after year after year. Truth be told I hated them all. I sat in the movies with my eyes hidden by my hands, jumping more in anticipation of what was to come next then what actually came next. I've never favored the costumes of grim reapers and headless horsemen and all those bloody, and in my opinion stupid costumes that teenage boys favored. I liked witches and bats and funny Jack O'Lanterns... isn't that what Halloween should be about? Maybe I'm a Halloween prude, but I prefer my version of the Holiday to be more G rates.... apple bobbing, cider, pumpkin donuts, dress the scarecrow, sack races, children in adorable costumes - and the candy! That's what Halloween is to me! So below I've found ideas for your next Halloween get together, whether you're hosting or bringing something to someone else's party - ideas that will make you smile and not cringe. I don't know about you... I'm much more of a Halloween treat girl myself!

Betty Crocker

via Pinterest

via Taste of Home
via Just Putzing Around the Kitchen

Martha Stewart

via Tumblr

via All You
via Room to Inspire

via Martha Stewart

For these and many more ideas please visit my Pinterest board!

Have a wonderful weekend!
