You don't have to be a bad-ass to be a stud...

Have you ever noticed that people often look like their dogs? Well, I'm noticing something similar in home design. People often dress like their homes. Or is it the other way around? I've noticed this a good deal lately and we'll explore this in future posts. Meanwhile, I am going to guess that in this case the fashion designer came before the interior designer. And the studs of the 1980s adorned by Madonna, Adam Ant (didn't you just love Goody Goody Two Shoes?) as well as the biker dudes from Hell's Kitchen have become haute couture gracing the likes of Givenchy, Sonia Rykel, and Burberry... Yes Burberry! The uber Sloane, uber Preppy, country, horsey label has a bad-ass side it seems!


Christian Louboutain 

Sonya Rykel


Studded chair via Google


Lee Broom

Scarlet opus trends blog

I'm really liking these studs... Absolutely loving these doors. Maybe I'm a bad-ass after all!