Run Away!

We all have them, those days that never end... The days that turn into several days that turn into weeks and no matter what we do - no matter how hard we try to slow down and relax we simply can't as life doesn't have that in store for us at the moment... It will come but we will have to wait a while longer. And so we trudge ahead through the never-ending snow that keeps piling, through the masses of piles and papers needing our attention... through sometimes seemingly endless days of parenting and sick children and meeting and missing deadlines and doing all we can to keep afloat. These brief (in the grand scheme of things) moments will end too... sometime... one day. But sometimes it seems no end is in sight and we are stretched too thin and we are too exhausted and overwhelmed... It's been like that here as I try to find balance in my own life as I juggle children and life and work and those deserving of more attention than I can offer at this moment.

And wouldn't it be nice if we could freeze time for a moment and just step away and take a deep breath, or relax on the beach or swim in a pool beneath a warm sun? Let's run away! Wouldn't that be amazing? Get your sunglasses, your flip flops and your sunscreen! Where should we go?

On second thought... go grab your passport too!

images via Tumblr and Christies