What's your dirty little secret?

Here's mine!

I hate doing laundry and when I don't keep on top of it here is what happens... in addition to this mountain there was a load in the wash, a load in the dryer and two loads I had just washed and folded. All in all that was 12 loads of laundry. It's taken about 3 days to get through and the final load needs to go into the dryer. Of course I have to put this all away. And of course the kids will come home from school all dirty and I will no longer be able to say the laundry is all done.

The washer is an antique and not at all water or fuel efficient. It's on the top of the list to replace. After the dishwasher. See Kim, I am not SuperMom... SuperMom would have her laundry done, folded, ironed and put away every day. Personally, I don't see what's so wrong with having the kids grab their clothes right from the baskets. Why bother folding and putting back into their drawers when but in a few hours they'll be back in those baskets. Something to think about eh?

This is one of the chores I loathe the most. The other is emptying the dishwasher!