The Entertaining House

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21 Movies to watch during a Polar Vortex (or if you're stuck in bed with the flu!)

There's nothing like getting lost in a good movie... There's nothing like getting lost in a good plot, a great love story or mystery. There's nothing like falling in love with a character, both good and bad. And there's nothing like being transported away to a breathtaking place. Movies allow us to lose ourselves for a while - to take a break from reality. Sometimes they're as therapeutic as a vacation. Often we don't have time for such luxuries but sometimes we're forced to slow down. Sometimes we're even forced to stay indoors.

The Polar Vortex has had a grip on us and will be back again. When it's this cold out everyone should stay at home. Imagine if the whole community shut down? Imagine if the grocery stores and hardware stores and liquor stores and drug stores all closed? It'd be just like the 70s! I remember it back then... just barely. It was boring because nothing was open but we got along just fine. And so the world will be just fine if we all decide to stay inside. At home. Where it's warm. On the couch, or under the covers, with a great big bowl of popcorn... So let's escape reality for a little while and lose ourselves in some great classic feel good movies!

1. The Notebook... the name has become synonymous for tear jerker.

2. Safe Haven (or any Nicholas Sparks movie)... for the same reason mentioned above.

3. When Harry Met Sally... timeless. Classic. Truly funny.

4. Sleepless in Seattle... Because I am an incurable romantic.

5. Breakfast at Tiffany's... because I've always wanted a cat named cat. And Moon River gets me every time.

6. Sabrina (both the old and the new ... and we just happen to adore Greg Kinnear so anything he's in too!)

7. West Side Story...Because it was hipster before hipster was hip. Did you know this was adapted from Romeo and Juliet? And we love a good musical score.

8. Under the Tuscan Sun... isn't this everyone's dream?

9. Dirty Dancing, because no one puts baby in a corner.

10. Footloose, the original version. Because we all want to get up and start dancing.

11. Love Story, because we all want our own Preppy. And for when you want a really good cry.

12. Metropolitan, Preppy New York society comes of age... We just love this one.

13. Bridges of Madison County - Tugs at the heartstrings. True love. Meryl....

14. Mama Mia... if but for nothing but the songs... Meryl Rocks it too tho...

15. The Devil Wears Prada - Do we need to say the M word again?

16. Julie and Julia... food and love, (and Meryl!) is there a more perfect pairing?

17. It's Complicated... see above reasons... and we think Meryl's kitchen is to die for!
You sensing a theme? We'd like to list every Meryl Streep movie but we don't have the room!

18. Pretty Woman. Because "Welcome to Hollywood! What's your dream? Everybody comes here; this is
Hollywood, land of dreams. Some dreams come true, some don't; but keep on dreamin' - this is Hollywood. Always time to dream, so keep on dreamin'."

19. Mystic Pizza. Because it's Mystic Pizza.

20. Top Gun - Maybe it was my thing for Goose. Maybe it was my thing for Kenny Loggins. or Ray Bans.

21. One more classic to round off our list... High Society. Newport. Frank, Grace and Bing. Cole Porter. I mean what's not to love?

Pass the popcorn please!
