The Entertaining House

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Pink rose cake
Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow!
Celebrate friendships!
Celebrate achievements!
Celebrate milestones!
Celebrate life!

Yesterday, as many of you know, was the day my divorce was finalized. It was bittersweet and it was melancholy... it was a long time coming. And yet as I sat in the courtroom, closing one door, opening a new one, I had some time to reflect. For all the moments of sadness and anger and resentment and bitterness, I realized that I am truly a lucky girl. I have so much on my side and I have so very much to live for. I am incredibly lucky. I know this and I do not take any bit of it for granted.

I make a toast to you, readers and friends, who've shown unwavering support over the past couple of years, who've stood by me through good and bad.

And I toast you... and life and all good things to come for all of us!

A fun twist on the ol' bubbly

