The Entertaining House

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Simple Elegance: Chinese Lanterns

I had a Chinese Lantern in my room when I was a little girl. It was our first apartment on the Upper West Side. My parents were just starting their careers and didn't have the means they later would. So they decorated penny-wise. My walls were filled with my art work, all framed. And a single white Chinese Lantern hung from my ceiling. I loved it. I saw one recently in a magazine and thought it would be a perfect thing to add to Rebecca's bedroom. It seems, lately, they are everywhere I turn. A sign, perhaps. I love them even more. I want to add them to my guest room that I don't have! I want to hang them from the trees in my back yard and I want to use them as inexpensive decor for parties. Chinese Lanterns, like flowers, really set a mood. Unlike flowers, they don't die!

I hope you'll look to the pictures below for some inspiration -- a way to decorate a room or a party inexpensively while adding a flirty, youthful and whimsical touch!

I want to run out and do this now! I love the effect of ribbons wrapped around this lantern!

White lanterns are anything but vanilla!

I simply adore this pink and green setting!